Pharmacy Practice
The Department of Pharmacy Practice is comprised of faculty who provide education
in the administrative and clinical sciences, as well as direct practice experience.
Required courses in the administrative science area include an introduction to career
development and current pharmacy topics, a survey of the health care system, professional
practice management, and pharmacy law and ethics.
Required courses in the clinical science area include topics in the area of nonprescription
medications, drug literature evaluation, pharmacotherapeutics, and a professional
practice laboratory that emphasizes communication skills, prescription processing,
and pharmaceutical care. Supervised practice experiences required during the program
provide opportunities for students to apply knowledge acquired in didactic courses
to life situations. The experiences are designed to promote the development of technical,
cognitive, and decision-making skills that are necessary for the contemporary practice
of pharmacy in a variety of practice environments. Various states apply these experiences
to their state board of pharmacy internship requirements.
The mission of the Department of Pharmacy Practice is to prepare and empower pharmacy
students and pharmacists to become competent providers of pharmacist care in all practice
settings. This mission is achieved through a combination of innovative didactic coursework,
experiential training, mentoring, scholarship, and community service in partnership
with students, pharmacy practitioners, and the medical and lay communities. The Department
serves the professional community through the development and evaluation of innovative
pharmacy practice models that promote the role of the pharmacist as an integral member
of the healthcare team.